There is nothing better than waking up feeling refreshed and ready to face the day with energy.
Unfortunately, this is not always the case.
Do you not feel fit and rested even though you got enough sleep? This could be because you have not slept deeply enough during the night. Deep sleep is very important for feeling fit.
Despite getting enough hours of sleep, the quality of sleep may not have been good. We need 60 to 120 minutes of deep sleep each night, depending on how many sleep cycles we have.
Deep sleep comes after falling asleep and light sleep. You are in deep sleep when your brain waves slow down.
Deep sleep lasts about 20 minutes and is actually the most important stage because it helps you to rest well.
If you get enough deep sleep, you will feel refreshed when you wake up in the morning. If you sleep for 7 to 9 hours, 60 to 120 minutes of it is usually deep sleep. There seems to be no such thing as too much deep sleep.
Interesting TED talk on the importance of sleep
If you take Recover-Me every night you will fall deeper asleep. Recover-Me improves the sleep pattern by increasing the nitric oxide in the brain during the night.
This has the opposite effect to caffeine: the body is put to sleep faster.
The neurotransmitter nitric oxide influences the quality and duration of our sleep. This gaseous molecule triggers the release of adenosine. When the level of adenosine in our brain is high, sleep pressure increases.
Scientific report on the need for the production of nitric oxide in the front part of the brain to fall asleep:
If you really want to wake up refreshed and alert, make sure you get enough sleep.
Some people need more sleep than others, but almost everyone needs between seven and nine hours of sleep every night.
Stick to a schedule for when you go to bed and when you get up.
Next, establish a pleasant morning routine.A morning routine helps your brain wake up.
Tips for your morning routine
Making a few adjustments to your morning routine can help you feel more energetic and alert. Here are some strategies that are guaranteed to make a big difference:
How do you manage your morning routine?
Leave your mobile phone and TV off to avoid unwanted distractions. Agree a morning structure with your family to keep things running smoothly.
Make sleep a priority! The best way to wake up refreshed is to get seven to nine hours of sleep every night. Good sleep habits are essential. Keep your bedroom dark, cool and quiet. Avoid alcohol and caffeine for several hours before bedtime, and turn off all electronic devices for at least an hour before bed.
Waking up rested is essential for a productive, successful day. It is important to understand what it takes to wake up well-rested and how that can be achieved.
One of the most important factors is the number of hours of sleep you get.
Sleep is vital for good health and a long life. There are many reasons why sleep is so important.
In short, sleep is essential for our overall well-being. It not only ensures physical recovery, but also a clear mind and increased productivity. It is therefore important to develop good sleep hygiene and ensure that we get enough sleep so that you wake up rested and start the day fresh, fit and full of energy.
Our body goes through several processes during sleep.
So sleep is essential for our bodies to function properly.
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